Precious is the Scout that takes time to worship GOD
I was attending my first Chapel service at Camp Tuscarora. Sitting with another new Scout leader named Danny, not knowing then just how strong a friendship in Scouting we would develop in coming years. Someone I had never met named Rick walked into the small rustic open air chapel underneath the trees. Mr. Rick said, let's take a moment and admire God's beautiful work. He turned to direct our attentionto the Scout lake. The fog was thick and had lifted to about three feet above the water. The birds could be heard as the morning breeze made the leaves rustle ever so gently. Squirrels could be heard as they climbed on the branches. Wow, did God ever speak that morning. On my next camp out Mr. Ben asked if I would consider being the Troop Chaplain. After some prayer I accepted. Nearly 20 years later I still find a Scout Chapel service at Camp Tuscarora well, like another great Scout leader said, "You can get as close to God here as you can anywhere".
May God bless my journey as a Boy Scout Chaplain!
A Scout is Reverent
Here I am with Mr. Tom Yarboro, He has been a great support for myself and Scouting. I asked him for his current Title and have it listed as he stated. Area President – Southern Region, BSA: Area 7 (12 Councils in NC & VA) Member- Regional Board: Southern Region, BSA Member- Executive Committee: Southern Region, BSA Friend of Dave Price.
Here I am with Mr. Frank, on the left and Mr. Greg on the right. Mr. Greg and I have been in Troop 258 several years. Mr. Frank is much to good of a friend to try and explain, Ms. Marilyn his wife is one of the Scout Moms that I grew to love so much. Marilyn, Julie, Brenda and Rhonda served Hot Chocolate at our events and became known as the "Hot Chocolate Hotties". Ms. Marilyn is now serving Hot Chocolate in Heaven.
Mr. Hogan is a great person. His abilities to transform Camp Tuscarora from a simple camp to a place the boys and adults cherish is amazing. As a Chaplain, I have seen Mr. Hogan work on hundreds of things with thousands of hours that most people do not know of. That along with his "normal" week. Mr. Hogan just might be the person on the left hand of God in Heaven. Click on the picture to read the verse Matthew 20:23 in the Bible.